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+65 xxxx xxxx

Mammoet Singapore

1A, International Business Park #11-03
Singapore 609933


About Us

Company Name


Mammoet Singapore

Nature of Business


Industrial Services

Mammoet is the global market leader in engineered heavy lifting and transport. Our services help clients improve their construction efficiency and optimize the uptime of their plants and installations. At Mammoet, we provide solutions for lifting, transporting, installing and decommissioning large and heavy structures. We could talk for hours about the equipment we use, and about how sophisticated and powerful it is. But all that power means nothing without a plan. In fact, we believe our business isn't about size. It's about: time. Uptime. Turnaround time. Time to market. To our customers, time is the currency that matters most. That's why we strive to bring their deadlines forward. It's an integrated, daily effort shared by everyone at Mammoet. That's how we move time for our customers. So time isn't set in concrete. Or forged in steel. It's not even all that heavy.